Automatic time and attendance recording in the construction industry

Time registration based on track & trace

How much time are your employees present at a site or project location? How long are they on the road? Who is at the wheel of which car when? And who drives along as a passenger? If you equip your vehicles with track & trace - possibly linked to a badge or key reader - you can see all this in real time in an app on your PC, tablet or smartphone. Thanks to the link with your accounting package and the software of your social secretariat, your invoices, wages and reimbursements are always right, down to the smallest detail.

Down to the second

Thanks to the gps tracker in your vehicles, you can follow in real time where your employees are. So you know exactly what time they arrive at the site or destination and what time they leave. For each employee, you can see how many hours he or she has worked and been on the road. This saves you a lot of time and money, because the tracker and the app completely replace your manual administration: with a few clicks, everything is calculated, processed and invoiced or paid out. And your employees no longer have to fill in and keep track of anything.

Driver identification: extra detailed time recording

And thanks to a badge or key reader, you can automatically identify who is behind the wheel of your cars. So you know to the very second when your employees left in a car and when they arrived at the site or their destination. And you also know who was driving as a passenger. Handy for calculating the home and work kilometres and your mobility allowances.

What do our customers say about our time management?

What you win with time registration from All-Connects? No one can say that better than our customers. For example, the manager of a company that is regularly active on large construction sites: "Time registration simply pays for itself by the costs that we save. In the past, some employees would sit in traffic jams or drive home quickly. That no longer happens, because they know we are watching. Discussions about hours worked are also over. Sometimes a customer says that we have charged too many hours. Thanks to the automatic time registration, I have proof that those hours were actually performed, because we can see how long a vehicle was on site."

Read more about time registration in the construction industry

Checkin@Work: presence registration in the construction industry

Automatic time registration is also a solution for the mandatory attendance registration in the construction industry on construction sites of more than 500,000 euro. Manually checking in all your employees at different construction sites wastes a lot of time every day. Thanks to our Checkin@Work app, this check-in happens automatically as soon as your employees identify themselves at the site time clock with their badge, identity card, Limosa form or Dallas key. Our app automatically forwards attendance to the government's online checkinatwork system.

Get non-binding advice

Looking for a system for automatic time registration or attendance recording in the construction industry? Call us: 03 289 55 35, or contact us online below. We will explain to you how online time registration and/or Checkin@Work works and we will work out a proposal that is 100% geared to your needs, without any obligation on your part.

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