Traffic fines: does the employer pay in case of uncertainty?

Companies may soon pay the traffic fine if it is not clear which employee drove the fined company car. Thanks to the driver identification solution of All-Connects, you always know which of your employees was driving at any given time.

What exactly does the legislation say?

In the case of vehicles owned by legal persons - i.e. company vehicles - it is sometimes difficult to establish who exactly is responsible for a traffic offence. Often the employee who committed the offence does not come forward to admit his or her fault.

To ensure that traffic fines are always paid, Minister of Mobility François Bellot introduced a new bill. If the identity of the offender is unclear, the bill will be presented to the company.

This measure has been introduced especially in situations where company cars are often used by different employees. Think of vans, trucks, and so on. For company cars with a regular driver, this measure has already been in place for several years.

Yet the bill also faces a headwind. For instance, certain employers' organisations are of the opinion that it is more logical to make driver identification compulsory. This way, you know at all times which employee drove a certain company car. And that is where All-Connects offers the solution.


How does the All-Connects driver identification solution work?

All-Connects equips your company cars with a system to identify driver (and possibly passengers). This requires the employee to use a personal badge. Thus, the employee's identity is automatically registered by the system.

And it doesn't stop there. The employer can view the recorded data in real time at any time via an application on his smartphone or tablet. The app even records the exact time the employees unlock or lock the cars.

The driver identification system thus ensures that there can be no discussion about who is responsible for a traffic offence.

Analysis of driving behaviour

The system even goes a step further. The employee can no longer come up with excuses about the cause of the traffic fine. Does the driver claim that he normally does not drive this fast? And that it is a one-off error?

Well, then the employer can now easily analyse the driving behaviour of this driver. The app registers whether he/she drives too fast, accelerates too much or takes too sharp turns. Every action of the employee is registered by the system.

It is also possible for the system to alert the driver to risky driving behaviour while driving. If the employee exceeds a certain parameter, he or she receives an alert in real time. Receiving these small warnings at the very moment reduces the risk of traffic violations and accidents.

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Are you interested in a driver identification system for your company? All-Connects always works on the measure of the customer. That is why we gladly go through all your needs and wishes with you in a free and non-committal brainstorming session. You can easily contact us here with contact us.

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