Proven: driving behaviour analysis delivers

Want to know why your driver consumes more fuel than 1 of his colleagues? And do you want to adjust that? Are you looking for a way to make your drivers respect speed limits? Do you want to know which driver is responsible for damage to one of your vehicles? You can do all that by equipping your vehicles with sensors. In an app, you can keep an eye on who is driving which vehicle and how your drivers are driving.

Proven: driving behaviour analysis delivers

Do you want to keep the fuel, maintenance, repair and insurance costs of your fleet under control? Then you need to know how your drivers drive. By analysing and discussing their driving habits, they will use less fuel, have fewer accidents and your vehicles will require less maintenance.

A study by UC Leuven-Limburg University College and DrivOlution training center confirms this: analysis and adjustment of driving behavior results in 19 to 24% fewer accidents and reduces fuel consumption by 6 to 8.5%. And not only that: drivers who know their driving behavior also deal with their car in a more (environmentally) conscious way.

But you can't just point out to drivers what their driving behaviour is; you need reliable information.

Driving behaviour analysis, how does it work?

- We place GPS trackers in your vehicles and connect them to the on-board computers.

- Each tracker records what you do.

- The data is continuously sent to the app.

- You view all that info in real time on jesmartphone, tablet or PC.

You will be given these dates:

- When and how hard your drivers brake

- How often and how hard they pull up

- When they drive too fast

- How they take turns

- The number of revolutions they make their engine

- · …

Pay less in maintenance and repair costs

Do you think that one or more of your drivers or employees has a heavy foot, doesn't take traffic rules too seriously and/or drives aggressively by, for example, tailgating or overtaking where there is no room for it? With the data about their driving behaviour, you can confront them with the facts. This way, you can adjust their driving style and reduce the chance of them being involved in an accident. Do you like to do that while driving? As soon as they cross a line, they get a warning immediately.

Save on your fuel costs

How you drive determines how much fuel you use. High revs, lots of braking and accelerating, running the engine at traffic lights: it all adds up to high fuel consumption. If you make your drivers aware of this with hard data, you will see your fuel costs fall.

Get a discount on your insurance costs

Several insurers reward companies that invest in safety and ecology with discounts on insurance premiums. A tracking system with driving behaviour analysis and ecodrive is one way of getting that discount. Your insurer will calculate your discount based on the data from your system.

Know who is behind the wheel

Do different drivers and employees regularly drive the same vehicle? With the driver identification you know perfectly who is driving which vehicle and when. When starting and stopping, the driver is identified. This way, you not only monitor driving behavior, but you can get traffic fines or repair costs paid without discussion.

Grant for transportation companies

Are you a transport company investing in track & trace to make your drivers drive more safely and economically? For such a driving analysis system, Flanders rewards you with a subsidy that can amount to 80% of the total amount, with a maximum of €5,000 per truck and a total of €100,000 spread over three years. You can apply for this subsidy via the Ondernemingsloket (enterprise counter).

And an extra push: if you are committed to safer and more economical driving, you can compete for the Truck Safety Award. The jury looks at the safety equipment of your trucks and the driving behaviour of your drivers, among other things.

Get non-binding advice

Do you want to know exactly how driver behaviour analysis and driver identification work and what you can do with them? In a free, no-obligation consultation, we listen to what you want and propose a system that we can tailor to your business.

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