CO₂ contribution of vehicles: Visualization and analysis for fleet management

| July 2024 |.

Source: EuroFleet Consult TCO Handbook - Part 6: Solidarity contribution / CO₂ contribution

Vehicle CO₂ Contribution: Visualizing and analyzing helps in fleet management decision process.

Everyone realizes by now that sustainable and environmentally conscious living has become a basic requirement. It is therefore crucial for companies not only to comply with legal obligations, but also to gain insight into the actual CO₂ emissions of their vehicles. Governments are increasingly imposing the obligation to record and transmit real vehicle data. There is often a big difference between theoretically prescribed consumption and actual consumption on the road, and this difference can have a big impact on your business decisions. All-Connects helps you visualize and understand this difference so you can make informed decisions to lower your costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Plus, you'll then also comply with current and future regulations.

What is the CO₂ contribution?

The CO₂ contribution, also known as the solidarity contribution, is a mandatory contribution that employers must pay for company cars that are also used for private purposes. This contribution is calculated based on the vehicle's CO₂ emissions and varies by fuel type (gasoline, diesel, LPG, electric and hydrogen vehicles). The calculation is adjusted annually based on the health index.

The added value of All-Connects telematics

At All-Connects, we understand that it's not just about meeting legal obligations, but also about insight and optimization. Our solution provides extensive capabilities to visualize and analyze your carbon footprint.

Thanks to the integration of vehicle data via CANBUS, you can see directly in our dashboard the difference between the theoretical prescribed consumption of the vehicle and the actual consumption. This real-time data helps you drive more consciously and improve your fuel efficiency.  

By pulling data directly from the ECU (Engine Control Unit), AllConnects' fleet management system can collect accurate data on fuel consumption, speed, driving behavior and other important parameters. This helps to identify and analyze the discrepancy between the manufacturer's stated consumption and the actual consumption. This allows companies to not only reduce their operational costs, but also reduce their carbon footprint through more efficient use of fuel and optimization of driving routes and behavior.

How does the CANBUS readout of vehicle data work?

Our Fleet & Asset Management solution reads the vehicle data and presents it in a clear way. You not only see the CO₂ emissions per trip driven, but also detailed information about fuel consumption. This enables you to recognize patterns and take targeted measures to reduce your emissions.

In addition, we help you monitor compliance and ensure that you are always up-to-date with the latest changes and calculation methods. As a result, you can rest assured that your company is compliant with all regulations while contributing to a more sustainable world.

Read here more about the CANBUS system‍.

Practical vehicle consumption

Suppose you have a company fleet with both diesel and gasoline vehicles. Using data from All-Connects, you can see that one of your diesel cars has higher CO₂ emissions than expected. By analyzing the trip data, you discover that this car is often used in the city, where consumption is higher. With these insights, you can consider replacing this vehicle with a more efficient model or optimizing its use.

Renault Kangoo: consumption in theory/practice

Theoretical consumption: 5.8l/100km versus real consumption: 7.6l/100km


CO₂ contribution is an indispensable part of business operations for companies with fleets of vehicles. It helps to reduce environmental impact and encourages more conscious driving behavior. With All-Connects' solutions, you not only gain insight into your carbon footprint, but you can also actively work to improve your fuel efficiency and reduce your emissions.

Contact us today to find out how we can help your business grow in a connected world.

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