The utilities sector is a vital one, not only for individuals but also for companies. When a customer calls for an urgent repair, you want to be able to help him as soon as possible. After all, lost time when work cannot be done costs an entrepreneur a lot of money.
With a track and trace device in each vehicle, dispatch can locate the nearest employee in real time and send them to the customer. Is the intervention complete? Then the person in charge can immediately forward an updated route plan. An automated time registration ensures correct post-calculation and invoicing so there can never be any discussion.
Another concern for facilities and utilities companies is equipment management. Electrical cabins, gas pipelines, fire extinguishers and other critical equipment need to be checked and/or inspected regularly for the safety of their own employees and customers. Without real-time data, your field staff must manually monitor each asset, which can be time-consuming and lead to problems being neglected and causing a breakdown or failure. This is where a digital maintenance management and planning tool can help.
Images say more than words, right? That is why it is certainly interesting to request a short demo. Based on your preferences, our product specialist will take you through the management application and you can ask questions directly. Book your free demo via the button below.
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