Driving style analysis: the benefits for fleet managers

With the driving style analysis solution from All-Connects, fleet managers can finally monitor and compare the driving behaviour of their drivers. On the basis of this data, they can draw up action plans. Not only will the number of accidents fall, but so will fuel and insurance costs.

Driving style analysis: how does it work?

All-Connects enables driving style analysis with the help of track & trace technology. This is how we work:

  1. We install an gps tracker in your commercial vehicles.
  2. While driving, the tracker records the various actions and manoeuvres of your drivers.
  3. The tracker sends the recorded data to the overall system.
  4. Fleet managers and business owners can view the data in real time via an application on their smartphone, tablet or PC and quickly gain the necessary insights to make adjustments where necessary.

All possible parameters

The system takes all kinds of parameters into account, as the driving behaviour of a driver is much more than just the speed driven. Among other things, the tracker registers :

  • the sharpness of bends taken by the worker,
  • the way he or she brakes,
  • The speed that the driver uses,
  • the number of revolutions he or she makes,
  • The way the person pulls up,


Fewer accidents

An accident with a commercial vehicle can be problematic for a company. Not only for the employee who may have suffered an injury, but also for a fleet manager. The company vehicle and the worker may be out of action for a while.

Do you suspect one or more drivers to be daredevils on the road? Thanks to the analysis of received data on driving behaviour, you can now prove it without any discussion and discuss it with the driver(s) concerned.

And not unimportant: you can adjust your driving style in time. As a result, the risk of an accident decreases dramatically.

Of course, driving behaviour is an accumulation of automatisms, of which the employee is often not even aware. If the driver's driving behaviour is translated into statistics, this can have a clarifyingeffect.

Moreover, even while driving, the system can alert the employee to risky driving behaviour. If he exceeds a certain parameter, the system notifies the driver in real time with an alert.

Decrease in fuel costs

Many (transport) companies choke on fuel costs. It is therefore a concern of many fleet managers. We probably don't need to tell you: the way you drive affects the fuel consumption of a company vehicle. Just think of : 

  • excessive rpm,
  • braking and accelerating too often,
  • running the engine at a traffic light or level crossing. 

That kind of driving behaviour can be easily and clearly deduced from the statistics of the driving style analysis. Do you notice that a driver is not driving economically? Then make him aware of this. Fuel costs will drop considerably.


Possible insurance discount 

Several insurers like to work with companies that invest in ecological and safety measures. They therefore offer a considerable premium discount. A driving style analysis system from All-Connects - together with our ecodriving solution - is a sure-fire way to reduce your insurance premiums. 

Based on the statistics, the insurance office calculates a premium according to the driving behaviour of your employees.

Connect with us 

Are you interested in a driving style analysis system for your company? All-Connects always works on the measure of the customer. That is why we gladly go through all your needs and wishes with you in a free and non-committal brainstorming session. You can easily contact us here with contact us here.

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