Track and trace: the advantages for your company

Track and trace allows you to remotely monitor all your company vehicles, equipment or employees. This makes it easier for you to take operational decisions, save costs and prevent theft. In this blog, we take a closer look at the operation and benefits. 

Why a track and trace system?

Whoever used to manage a company's fleet had few means of keeping an overview. It was impossible to know where the vehicles were at any given time, or exactly how long they took to drive a particular route.

A mail-order company had the same problem: there was simply no way to track deliveries. If a parcel arrived late or was lost, it was guesswork as to the cause.

You had to rely almost blindly on drivers, who sometimes provided incomplete or incorrect information. Yet that information was crucial to making important decisions about operational costs, routes and the company's productivity.

Moreover, discussions sometimes arose with customers about the duration of the transport or the length of the route. Also, if a theft occurred, it was impossible to retrieve your company vehicle or package. 

What is a track and trace system?

Track and trace works on the basis of a gps tracker that is located in a commercial vehicle or object. With the technique of geo-tracking, the tracker can collect location data in real time. Fleet managers, board members or business owners can then see via an online application exactly where the vehicle or object is located.

Moreover, the tracking system keeps track of all historical data. This way, managers can know where the parcel or the vehicle was at any given time, which route was taken and exactly how long the transport took. 

What are the advantages of a time registration system?

Reduce expenses

A GPS tracker gives you useful insights, allowing you to select the best and shortest routes. This will undoubtedly save your company on transport and personnel costs.

A track and trace system also means that it costs less to have your commercial vehicles insured. Certain insurance companies may give discounts to companies that work with GPS trackers.

Less chance of accidents

Business owners or managers can analyse the driving behaviour of their drivers in detail. Is a particular employee driving unsafely? Then steer him in time. Moreover, you can also make your employees drive more economically.

Rapid interventions

Does your customer want you to make a quick delivery? Then thanks to the tracker, you can see which commercial vehicle is closest. This enables you to act flexibly. And your customers really appreciate that.

Theft protection

It is possible to secure your vehicles or equipment with a tracker. In the event of theft, you will be able to act quickly and pass on the location to the police.


You know exactly what happened when. This is comfortable for both the employer and the employee. After all, no more discussion about the employee's activities. Those who stand up straight can now prove it.

And this openness also works to the advantage of your customer. After all, you can keep him informed of the status of the delivery at all times.

Smoother operation

Has your driver lost his way? Or is he stuck in a traffic jam? From a distance, you can smoothly guide the employee through the traffic, so that he arrives faster at his destination.

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