Essential Guide to Check In and Out at Work (CIaO) in the Cleaning Industry.

| June 2024 | source National Social Security Administration

Frequently asked questions about Check In and Out at Work (CIaO)

What is CIaO and who is involved?

1 | Legal basis and date of application

From September 1, 2024 (effective date of Royal decrees), the recording of the beginning (in) and end (out) of performance and rest breaks is mandatory for every employee performing certain cleaning activities. The legal basis for recording attendance in the cleaning sector can be found in the program law 26/12/2022, title 4, chapter 1, art 22 to 48 ; and chapter 2, art 49 (§9 art 30 bis of the law of 27/06/69).

Not all activities under the jurisdiction of the Joint Committee on Cleaning are targeted. These are only those activities whose purpose is to clean a property on behalf of a third party.

2 | Who should report my presence in the workplace and when?

Attendance recording for certain cleaning activities should be done by the employee, in real time.

3 | What happens to my data?

Inspectors from the appropriate inspection agencies may consult the data in CIaO.

Registration methods

1 | What recording methods are available to record the start and end of my cleaning activity?

Which method(s) you use, agree with your employer:

A) A smartphone
1. Scan the QR code of the declaration of works, which automatically retrieves the technical number of the declaration of works, or
2. Click on the URL provided by the employer, or
3. Use the Social Security website.

B) A badge or other application provided by your employer.

AllConnects has developed the LiveCleaner app specifically for this obligation, and from its accumulated expertise with registration software systems. More info on this can be found by clicking below:

2 | What information must be retrieved to complete my registration?

* The date and time
* Your NISS number if you are a Belgian employee. Your NISS- Bis number if you are a foreign employee
* The identification number of the Belgian or foreign company. If you are self-employed, you must enter your own identification number
* The work declaration number
* The workplace
* The type of registration (in or out)

3 | How do I enter the requested information when registering?

In most cases, the requested information is automatically retrieved from our systems. However, there are several situations in which you must enter the information manually.

> if you do not have the QR code or the URL for the declaration
> if you work for a foreign employer
> if the geolocation is inactive or unauthorized

You must then enter as much information as possible so that the NSSO can identify the employer you work for, the declaration of work that corresponds to where you work, and your location. The registration "in" and "out" must be selected in all cases.

4 There is no internet connection or my smartphone battery is dead. How can I register?

If you are unable to register due to a problem with an external third party (Internet connection provider, telephone surge for the duration of the unavailability. This must be verifiable. If you are unable to register because you forgot your smartphone or the battery is flat, you risk a penalty in a possible audit.

5 | I do not know the works declaration number that corresponds to my workplace and I do not have a QR code. How do I proceed?

Contact your employer. Check in advance if there is a poster with the QR code for reporting cleaning work at the workplace. If this information is not available, enter as much information as possible in the CIaO application, record the IN and OUT times of your activity, as well as rest breaks.

Authentication and activation GPS coordinates

1 | How do I log in?

You must use a method recognized by FAS (eID and card reader, Itsme, Eidas, username/password with code via the mobile application, email or token).

2 | How many hours does my login Itsme remain active?

The itsme login created via a mobile application (smartphone) remains valid for 6 hours. During this time, verification is no longer required unless you voluntarily log out. The itsme login is valid only for attendance registration in CIaO. It does not provide access to other applications.

3 | How do I activate GPS coordinate retrieval?

Activate localization on your smartphone. Then grant access rights at the application level (via the device's default browser) and at the application CIaO level.

4 | I do not want to indicate my location via geolocation. What is the alternative?

Recording the address or geographical description of the workplace is required by law (Program Law 26/12/2022, Art. 25). In any case, you must include the address of the place where you perform the cleaning work.

5 | Which company should be entered for registration? My employer (employee relationship) or my employer's customer (the principal of the contract entered into with my employer)?

* If you are an employee, identify your employer (whether Belgian or foreign) in the CIaO application. If an employment agency places you at the disposal of an employer, the employment agency is your employer.
* If you are self-employed, enter your company number or foreign identification number.

6 | My employer is a foreign company. How do I enter this in the application?

Enter the foreign identification number: intra-community VAT number, non-European identification number, etc.

Recording cleaning performance

1 | I work through the service voucher system. Am I required to register?

No, this type of activity is not covered by Article 30bis of the Law of June 27, 1969, nor by the Program Law of 26/12 /2022.

2 | I work for a temporary employment agency. How do I register?

Register with the company number of the employment agency, which is legally your employer (employee relationship).

3 | I work as a job student. How do I register?

Register with the company number of the company you work for, which is legally your employer (employee relationship).

4 | I am working as an intern, as part of my training. How do I register?

Register with the company number of the company where you are interning.

5 | How do I record my achievements that extend over 2 days (e.g. night work)?

Record the beginning and end of your activity, as well as your rest breaks, according to the logical order in/out.

Consultation and corrections of cleaning performance

1 | How can I consult my performance?

There are two possibilities:

1. Smartphone: by logging into the CIaO application and using the calendar, you can consult your own activities.
2. Online service on the Social Security website: by logging into the CIaO application and using the calendar, you can consult your own activities.

2 | I made a mistake when registering or I forgot to register. How can I correct the data?

If you notice errors in the registrations you have made, you should consult your employer to agree on what correction should be made. Your employer can submit a request to the NSSO, which, if there is sufficient evidence, will make the necessary correction.

Please note that these changes must be requested within 30 days of the registration date. No changes are possible after this deadline. If you forgot to register, no attendance registration occurred. This situation cannot be rectified. You risk a penalty in the event of a possible audit.

Responsibilities and sanctions

1 | Penalties are provided for failure to comply with the legislation.

The National Social Security Administration is still fine-tuning the practical regulations for Check In and Out at work.

For your information: To enable companies to comply with the new legal requirements, inspection services will guide users until 31/12/2024. No penalties will be imposed during this period, except in cases of fraud.

More info can be found on their website:

Changes and updates

Check their website regularly for possible updates/changes.

Entry into force

The measure was officially announced in July 2023 and will become active from Sept. 1, 2024. This will give companies and workers in the cleaning industry enough time to prepare and adapt to the new requirements.

Want to be OK with your CIAO registration software? Contact us for more info!

Have this blog answered your questions, and would you like to know more about the cost of ourLiveCleaner app? Then contact us directly by phone 03 289 55 35 or email SERVICE@ALL-CONNECTS.BE to ask for more info or book a consultation.

More information about AllConnects' CIAO LiveCleaner app can be found here.

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You can always find the latest information about CIaO on the Social Security website

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