Inspections and maintenance within the company walls

Within the walls of a company there are many things that need to be inspected and/or serviced regularly. Think about lifts, fire extinguishers, gas installations and much more. Because it is not always clear exactly how many pieces of equipment need to be inspected and where in the building they are located, a lot of time is lost on the inefficient running of these inspections and maintenance services.


Investing time

Carrying out inspections at customers' premises takes an enormous amount of time. This is mainly due to the time lost in finding all the appliances and installations that need to be checked. As an inspector, it is impossible to remember the exact location of all the devices per customer. With a bit of luck, the help of the office manager will be called in to help you find your way around the building. Often, this search takes up more time than the actual inspection, which is, of course, absolutely inefficient.


Go for efficient

Managing your inspection and maintenance appointments can be much easier and more efficient via our CHECK.connects platform. With CHECK.connects we bring your planning, documentation and all necessary data together in one convenient platform. This saves you time, allows you to complete your assignments faster and reduces your paperwork.


How do you get started with the CHECK.connects app?


1: Create a task via the app

Looking for an efficient way to find out how many devices need to be serviced or checked at a location? Use the app to create a task that includes all the devices and installations that need to be checked. You can easily tick off the items that have already been checked, allowing you to maintain a clear overview of the tasks carried out at the location.


2: Easily add attachments

Through the application you can easily consult documentation. This documentation can be, for example, a map of the building with the location of all the things to be checked.

3: Set automatic reminders

It takes a lot of planning and paperwork to remember exactly when the next inspection date is for each installation/device. With the CHECk.connects application you can easily set automatic reminders yourself when it is time for the next inspection or maintenance.


Inspections within the company walls smartphone


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