NSSO mandatory Checkin-and-out at work Registration in the cleaning industry: What do you need to know?

| February 2024 | Source: Social Security website

Starting April 1, 2024, the cleaning industry will undergo a significant change. As part of the ongoing fight against social fraud and to improve workplace safety, a new time-recording requirement called "Check In and Out @ Work" will be introduced. This measure is similar to the system already in place in the construction industry and aims to accurately record the presence of each person in the workplace.

Goals of the New Regulation Checkin@work

These new regulations have two main purposes:

1 | Workplace Safety: Recording who is present makes the response to workplace accidents more efficient.

2 | Combating Undeclared Work and Exploitation: It facilitates for inspection agencies to carry out their inspections, which helps in detecting illegal practices.

3 | Reduction of administration: It is expected that this adjustment will reduce the administrative burden, since the current obligations will be replaced by a more comprehensive and accessible system.

Who is Check in and out at work for?

This legislation focuses on the cleaning industry, especially workers under Joint Committee 121. This includes contractors and subcontractors who perform cleaning services, but excludes public and private sectors that use their own staff, as well as sports associations and service check companies.


As an employer, contractor or company that has a contract with a client, you must ensure that your employees, subcontractors and employees of subcontractors are registered. You must:

  • Provide a recordkeeping system to the subcontractors you use, or agree by mutual consent that the contractor and any subcontractors use an alternative method of recordkeeping
  • Ensuring that data for your business is effectively and correctly recorded and forwarded to the database
  • Provide your employees with a recording device compatible with the recording device at the workplace
  • Inform your staff about the registration process. Your staff will find more information about registration under Check In and Out at Work on the Social Security Administration's "Citizen" portal.

Employees, self-employed, temporary workers and trainees

Employees, self-employed workers, temporary workers and trainees must record the beginning and end of their activities at the workplace. They must also declare their rest breaks.

They use Check In and Out at Work to:

  • record themselves in real time, and
  • access their own records.
  • Self-employed workers who use subcontractors are bound by the same rules as employers.
  • Organizations that use a temporary worker must make the registration tool available to that temporary worker, or contract the registration method.

Foreign workers and the self-employed

Foreign workers and self-employed persons must follow a specific procedure. More information follows.

How Does CIAW Registration Work?

There are two ways to register:

1 | An electronic application provided by the National Social Security Office (NSSO).

The Declaration of Work for the place where your staff goes to work generates a QR code or URL for attendance records.

Give this QR code or URL to your employee. If they use them, it will automatically retrieve the Works Declaration technical number corresponding to the employee's workplace.

If your employee uses the online service without a supplied QR code or URL, it will need yourReport of Works number.

The disadvantage of this method does mean that your employees have to manually enter all the personal information each time, with the potential for typos and wasted time.

2 | An external party that facilitates the registration.

You use the NSSO's web service as a transmission channel. Your employee then registers via a smartphone app. You use the web service to consult the presences of your personnel in the workplace.

The big advantage of this method is that you don't have to enter anything yourself. Once your personal data are entered in the application, you never have to enter them manually again. Everything is automatically filled in for you, and the link with NSSO ensures a quick check-in.

The recorded information includes personal identification, workplace address, capacity at the workplace, and times of work and breaks. This information is stored in an NSSO database.

Sanctions for Non-compliance

Failure to follow these new rules can result in significant fines ranging from 400 to 8,000 euros, depending on the nature of the violation and the number of employees involved.

Entry into force

The measure was officially announced in July 2023 and will become active from Sept. 1, 2024. This will give companies and workers in the cleaning industry enough time to prepare and adapt to the new requirements.

Want to be OK with your Checkinatwork registration software? Contact us for more info!

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You can also find this info on the Social Security website

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