Internet of things: track all your assets

Imagine if all your materials and devices could talk to each other and to you. Thanks to the Internet of Things, this is no longer a thing of the future. With powerful sensors, all your devices now communicate with each other and the overall network. And that leads to new insights, more security, flexibility and higher productivity.

What is Internet of Things?

Internet of things - is a term that has been around for about a quarter of a century among IT specialists. The term refers to a world in which all objects are connected to each other and to the internet. These semi-intelligent objects thus become an entity on the web. The real world is therefore 'digitised'.

What do sensors do?

To make the Internet of Things technology possible, all your devices and vehicles are equipped with sensors. These sensors can register different information. Think of temperature, humidity, sound, light, movement, acceleration, and so on.

Thanks to the connection to the Internet, you can remotely view the recorded data of all your devices. The sensors are also available in various sizes, types and with different ranges. So even your smallest devices can wear a sensor.

Why is the Internet of Things useful for your business?

Because you are in contact with your devices and equipment around the clock, you getreal-time insight into their status, operation and location. Based on that meaningful information, you can improve the work processes and products in your company.

Because you optimise the business processes within your company, the operating and personnel costs are also reduced. Your company also becomes more flexible. After all, you retain a thorough overview at all times, allowing you to react quickly.

All kinds of applications

The possibilities of the Internet of Things are almost endless. Any company from any sector can implement this technology in any business process. Below, we give you some examples.

Burglary prevention and security

You can equip all your vehicles and equipment with motion and sound sensors. If, after working hours, the device detects a registers activitythe system notifies you by, for example, text message or e-mail.


You can equip parts of your production process with sensors that let you know when maintenance is required. This way, you save production time, because you do not have to stop the process for an unforeseen amount of time.


As a transport company, you can process traffic data in real time and assess road conditions. In this way, it is possible to limit the inconvenience of traffic and optimise transport routes.


The sensors keep a close eye on your stock and register consumer behaviour. This allows you to predict, for example, when you should have a certain product delivered or where in your shop a product is most successful.

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