Why track & trace delivers results for small fleets too

| August 2023 |.


In our conversations with business leaders of SME companies, we often hear arguments like "my company is too small for track é trace," or "we only have 5 company vehicles, so it's not an issue for us. This surprises us, because there are many reasons why even smaller companies can benefit from the advantages of a professional track é trace system, even though they may not have as many vehicles to manage compared to larger fleets.

Here are some key factors why track & trace can be valuable for small-fleet businesses that want to operate professionally with an eye toward continued growth:

Efficient operations

Track-and-trace systems provide real-time visibility into the location and status of vehicles. This helps companies optimize routes, reduce downtime and minimize fuel consumption. For a small fleet, even small efficiencies can have a significant impact on overall operating costs.

Customer Satisfaction

With track and trace, companies can provide customers with accurate and up-to-date information about the expected arrival times of their goods or services. This level of transparency can lead to greater customer satisfaction and trust, regardless of fleet size. As a company, this can also help you differentiate yourself from your direct competition.

Resource allocation

Small fleets often operate with limited resources. Track-and-trace systems enable better allocation of resources by allowing companies to allocate vehicles based on real-time demand and optimize scheduling, preventing vehicle overload or underutilization.

Safety and security

Knowing the exact location of vehicles at all times can improve driver safety and security. In an emergency, companies can quickly locate their vehicles and provide assistance if needed. This also helps prevent unauthorized vehicle use or theft.

Compliance and responsibility

Companies operating even a small fleet of vehicles must comply with regulations such as driving hours and routes. Track-and-trace systems can help with compliance by providing accurate records of driver activity, rest periods and routes traveled. Plus, it takes a lot of administrative work off the hands of your (perhaps) small team, allowing them to devote their valuable time to other tasks.

Maintenance planning

Efficient maintenance is critical for any fleet size, large or small. If you only have a few vehicles at your disposal, without a backup vehicle in case of a breakdown or crash, it's even more important that your vehicles are always in optimal operational condition.Track-and-trace solutions can provide insight into vehicle performance, maintenance needs, and how drivers are interacting with the vehicle, allowing companies to plan preventive maintenance and avoid costly breakdowns.

Data-driven decisions

Track-and-trace systems generate valuable data on vehicle performance, driver behavior and operational patterns. This data can be used to make informed decisions about route planning, resource allocation and overall fleet management strategies.


Small fleets have the potential to grow over time. By implementing a track-and-trace system early on, streamlined processes and data management practices can be established that can easily scale as the fleet grows.

Competitive Advantage

Even (or especially) among small fleets, companies that can offer reliable and efficient delivery services gain a competitive advantage. For customers, choosing to partner with a smaller company with a high customer satisfaction score is often a deciding factor.Track and trace systems can help build a reputation for timely and reliable service.

Risk reduction

Accidents or incidents involving fleet vehicles can lead to legal and financial liabilities. Track-and-trace systems can provide evidence in the event of disputes, reducing the risks associated with accidents or other unforeseen events.

What can you conclude from this? 

Although fleet sizes may be smaller, the benefits of implementing a track-and-trace system are significant. Such systems can help small fleet companies optimize operations, increase customer satisfaction, improve safety, ensure compliance and make data-driven decisions to remain competitive in their industry.

How can track & trace pay off for small fleets?

The return on investment (ROI) for implementing track and trace solutions in a fleet of, say, 5 commercial vehicles can vary based on several factors. It is important to consider both the costs associated with implementing the system and the benefits it brings to the business. Here are some factors that can affect ROI:

1 | Implementation costs

This includes the initial installation cost of the track and trace system, including hardware (GPS devices, sensors), software development or subscription costs, and any training required for personnel.

2 | Operational efficiency

A key benefit of track and trace is improved operational efficiency. By optimizing routes, reducing downtime and minimizing fuel consumption, you can reduce operational costs and increase productivity.

3 | Customer satisfaction

Real-time tracking and accurate delivery estimates can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and referrals.

4 | Lower maintenance costs

Track-and-trace systems can help plan preventive maintenance, which can extend vehicle life and reduce maintenance costs.

5 | Lower labor costs

Efficient route planning can reduce labor costs by allowing drivers to complete their routes in less time.

6 | Fuel savings

Optimized routes and reduced downtime can lead to fuel savings, which can have a significant impact on operating costs over time.

7 | Less unauthorized use

Track and trace systems can discourage unauthorized vehicle use, which can save costs and prevent wear and tear on vehicles.

8 | Insurance premiums

Some insurers offer discounts for vehicles equipped with tracking and security systems, potentially lowering insurance premiums.

9 | Data-driven decisions

Access to data on driver behavior, vehicle performance and route efficiency can lead to informed decisions that positively impact overall fleet performance.

10 | Risk mitigation

In case of accidents or disputes, track and trace data can provide evidence that helps mitigate legal and financial risks.

Keep in mind that ROI may not just be about immediate financial gains; Improved customer satisfaction, operational transparency and competitive advantages are not directly measurable but can certainly contribute to the long-term growth and sustainability of a small fleet over the long term.

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Continue reading:

  • Read our blog here on why small businesses are better at customer service
  • Read more about fleet management systems here
  • See all our blogs here

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