Digitize planning maintenance and inspection tools

Digital inspection of tools. Why?

| April 2023 |.

Maintenance inspections are periodic inspections performed to make sure your tools are in good working order. This inspection looks at all the different parts of the tool, including wiring, motors and controllers. If any problems are found, they are reported and any repairs are made. The purpose of a maintenance inspection is to keep the tool in good condition and to reduce safety hazards. When your tools are properly maintained and regularly inspected, it reduces the risk of injury and other safety problems. It also reduces the chance that the tool will break down during use and need to be repaired or even replaced.

Having regular maintenance inspections also gives you more control over the cost of your tools. Maintenance inspections can identify potential problems before major repairs are needed. When your tools are in good condition, they don't need to be repaired as often. This can ultimately lead to lower repair costs. Most companies establish a maintenance plan that outlines how often you should check your tools. It is important to stick to this plan to ensure that your tools remain safe and in good condition.

Maintenance and inspection planning through a digital management system

With a digital management system, it is possible to plan ahead how often maintenance and inspections should be performed. This is important to ensure the safety and quality of equipment and systems. Regular inspections and maintenance can extend the life of the equipment and detect any problems early.

The digital management system can also help keep track of all inspection and maintenance activities. This information can then be used to monitor the performance of the equipment and systems. The system can also provide alerts when a particular maintenance or inspection is needed.

The management system can also be used to minimize maintenance and inspection costs by scheduling them at times when the equipment or systems are least stressed. This can lead to lower maintenance costs over a longer period of time.

Digital management of maintenance and inspection plans

With the Check.connect management application, you can perfectly link your maintenance and inspection planning to the business assets you manage. This saves manual operations, and you can rest assured that maintenance and inspections are no longer forgotten or carried out late. You yourself set an interval based on the NBN homology standards or the current state of an asset, with notifications to the responsible employee(s).

Schedules and follow-up tasks can be easily assigned and modified in the management application or mobile smartphone app. This makes Check.connects the practical tool for companies that often deploy assets at different locations (in-house or via rental). We think for example of sectors such as:

- Ground, road and residential construction: electrical hand tools, generators, construction machinery, turnbuckles and hoists, etc.

- Home care companies: hospital beds, IV stands, personal aids, diagnostic equipment, etc.

- Public administrations: citizen loan equipment, playground equipment, trash cans, etc.

- Rental firms: dumpsters, ladder elevators, hand tools, work machines, etc.

- Facility & Utilities: ladders, measuring equipment, work construction tools, etc.

Basic functions of the Check.connect app for materials management

A | The loan of equipment

Keep track of equipment moved/leased to a new project, between warehouse, yard, employee or company vehicle.

  • Who used something?
  • Where was it used?
  • How much of it was used?
  • How long has it been used?
  • Where did it break down?
  • Who brought it back?

B | Reserving equipment

  • Is the device available?
  • Will the tools be returned/ready on time?
  • How long can I use this machine?

C | Keep maintenance history

  • What is the maintenance history of each tool?
  • When should a specific device be brought in for maintenance?
  • May this device be used, i.e. is there a valid inspection report

The ease of use of the Check.connect app for the user

The big advantage of digitizing your maintenance planning lies in the management application, where you can view all processed data, schedule follow-up tasks, and create reports. Inspections or maintenance activities can easily be scheduled via the management application. The user then easily receives a notification on smartphone or tablet with instructions on what needs to be done. With this, checklists "on paper" are definitely a thing of the past.

The paper mill and associated work hours are replaced by a simple user interface, with your defined questions to be answered. In addition, the user can view supporting documents such as drawings, schematics, and previous inspection reports added as digital attachments for each business asset if desired for support.

The workflow of digital maintenance and inspection

Preparing maintenance planning

Thanks to Check.connect, manual intervention or communication of a schedule is no longer necessary. Because all intervals and procedures are predefined in the system, the user receives automatic and timely notification to perform an inspection or maintenance task.

Inspecting/approving tools

Inspections can be performed using the mobile app, available for both tablets and smartphones. Upon receiving a notification, the user can immediately open an inspection task and then complete the checklist. If requested or desired, proof photos can be taken and uploaded.

Processing recorded data

Once the inspection task is completed, the data is processed in the online management application, and the responsible manager is notified. At that point, a follow-up task with a responsible performer can be sent.

Inspection interval

An important part of a maintenance schedule is the inspection interval. This is the time between two inspections or maintenance intervals. You can set a default interval, which is then adopted as the default every time you link this plan to a company asset set. For example, if an installation or tool is used more than average or in a hazardous environment, a higher inspection frequency is appropriate. On the other hand, a risk inventory and evaluation may prompt you to increase or decrease the interval.

Reporting reports on the state of your assets

With simple QR code stickers on company assets, your employees can quickly and easily view useful information such as manuals and inspection certificates. But reporting a malfunction and viewing the malfunctions already reported is also child's play with Check.connect. Read some blogs about applications of QR codes:

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